Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla by David Kilcullen, Киев
Бренд: Hurst Страна производитель: USA

- м.Почайна, ул. Вербовая,17, Книжный рынок, ряд 84 место 26с, Киев
- Отзывы 25) (
- 11 лет 134 дня на портале
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When Americans think of modern warfare, what comes to mind is the US army skirmishing with terrorists and insurgents in the mountains of Afghanistan. But the face of global conflict is ever changing. In Out of the Mountains, David Kilcullen, one of the world's leading experts on current and future conflict, offers a groundbreaking look at what may happen after today's wars end. This is a book about future conflicts and future cities, and about the challenges and opportunities that four powerful megatrends population, urbanization, coastal settlement, and connectedness are creating across the planet. And it is about what cities, communities and businesses can do to prepare for a future in which all aspects of human society including, but not limited to, conflict, crime and violence are changing at an unprecedented pace.
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